Oral And Maxillofacial Surgery
It is a depatment of dentistry that includes many different applications in Oral, Dental and Maxillofacial Surgery and covers all branches within the scope of oral and dental health (covering the treatment of pathologies of soft and hard tissues in the mouth). Areas treated by maxillofacial surgery
The services provided and the treatment methods applied within the scope of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery in Oral and Dental Health Centers;
- Tooth Extraction
- Impacted Tooth Operations
- Wisdom Tooth Extraction
- Abscess Operations
- Cyst Operations
- Botox Applications For Jaw Pain Caused By Teeth Clenching
- Jaw Traumas And Problems
- Implant Treatments
Areas Treated By Maxillofacial Surgery
Surgical operations, the details of which will be explained in the following article, have an important place in dentistry treatment planning.
Tooth Extraction
In cases where the tooth cannot be treated in any way due to severe caries or trauma after excessive damage to the dental tissues, the extraction of the tooth in question is performed by considering the patient's health. However, in some cases, tooth extraction may be required for reasons such as fractures and orthodontic treatments. No pain is felt with the effect of anesthesia applied during the tooth extraction procedure. Anesthesia may be insufficient for some reasons such as excessive alcohol use. In such cases, the amount of anesthetic substance is increased. After the extraction process, sometimes even the use of painkillers may not be necessary.
Impacted Tooth Operations
Sometimes as a part of treatment planning (such as orthodontics), sometimes for dental reasons, impacted teeth may need to be extracted. Contrary to normal tooth extractions, it should be done in expert hands because it requires intervention in the surrounding tissues.
Wisdom Tooth Extraction
Impacted Teeth Operations is the treatment method applied for teeth that are impacted in the jawbone due to wisdom teeth or other anomalies. Wisdom teeth become genetically dysfunctional after a while. The jaw structure of a person gets smaller as age progresses. In such cases, wisdom teeth cannot find a place in the jaw structure and remain embedded in the jawbone because they cannot come out. Remaining impacted wisdom teeth melt at the roots of the incisors in the upper anterior region or cause a visible defect in the tooth sequence.
If the impacted teeth do not damage the mouth, teeth and jaw structure, they can be allowed to remain in the mouth.It is withdrawn in cases where it damages the teeth.In inflammatory conditions, shooting may be required in cases where there is a risk of becoming the focal point.If your dentist's advice is in line with the need for extraction, the procedure should be done without delay.
Abscess Operations
If the abscesses formed as a result of inflammation of the teeth are not treated, they may form cystic structures in the medium term. Abscesses should be drained with antibiotics or surgery as quickly as possible.
Cyst Operations
Cysts that occur in the mouth, teeth and jaw for various reasons can cause both material loss and weakening of the jawbone by melting the jawbone in the process. If these cysts are not treated, they can cause both aesthetic and functional disorders in the mouth, teeth and jaw structure and even jaw fractures. These types of harmful cysts, which are diagnosed during the examination with cyst operations, can be completely treated.
Botox Applications For Jaw Pain Caused By Teeth Clenching
Burchisism, or teeth grinding, is the unconscious clenching of the teeth while sleeping or awake. This causes severe physical pain (migraine, headache, earache and facial pain) and medium-term strength problems in the teeth. In the treatment of night plaques, botox can be applied to the muscles that cause tightening problems. With the first application, relaxation occurs. The effect of Botox treatment decreases after a while, as in its application in the cosmetic field. Permanent relief is provided after 4-5 applications on a regular basis.
Jaw Traumas And Problems
In acute cases, the use of antibiotics is necessary. After the inflammation subsides, the canal of the tooth causing the problem is cleaned and the filling process is performed.
Implant Treatments
In its most basic form, it is the process of placing an artificial root into the jawbone. After the operation, prosthesis is applied on the artificial root. For detailed information, you can visit our Implant page.
Oral, Maxillofacial and Dental Surgery Turkey
We recommend that it be performed by an Oral and Maxillofacial and Dental surgeon in performing complicated surgical procedures. Related procedures are carried out by İlyas Köse in the DM Clinic.