Ortodonti (What is Orthodontic (Braces) Treatment?
Orthodontics is one of the branches of dentistry. During the treatment, methods consisting of different appliances, wires and plates are used. The most appropriate time for solving problems, especially those involving jaw problems, is between the ages of 10-13, which is the active growth phase of the person. However, there is no age limit for Orthognathic Surgery procedures, jaw problems at any age, and standard treatments and treatments involving only dental crowding. It is very important for the success of the treatment that it is done by specialized dentists.
What are the Causes of Orthodontic Problems?
In addition to genetic predisposition, it is caused by problems in infancy and childhood. These, congenitally missing teeth, early loss of milk teeth, long-term use of bottles and pacifiers, finger sucking, tongue thrusting, pencil biting, nail biting cause jaw and tooth disorders and create the need for orthodontic treatment.
In Which Situations Orthodontic Treatment Is Required ?
Conditions that will require orthodontic treatment are as follows:
- • Tooth and jaw size mismatches
- • Incompatibility of the lower and upper jaws with each other
- o Front or back of the upper jaw
- o anterior or posterior lower jaw
- o Inability to close the front or back sides of the jaws with each other
- o Abnormal habits
What are Orthodontic Treatment Classifications?
Underbite: It is the situation where the upper teeth are behind the lower teeth. This disorder can cause the lower lip to pass in front of the upper lip. It can be corrected with braces in the appropriate age period. Very severe disorders and advanced age may require orthognathic surgery.
Overbite: It is the problem that the lower teeth cover the upper teeth less than normal. In this disorder, the upper teeth are located ahead of the lower teeth. It can be corrected with braces in the appropriate age period. Very severe disorders and advanced age may require orthognathic surgery.
Openbite: It is the case that the front teeth do not touch each other during the closing of the jaws and there is a gap. It can be corrected with braces in the appropriate age period. Very severe disorders and advanced age may require orthognathic surgery.
Crossbite: It is the case of crossbite between the lower and upper teeth. It can be easily corrected with orthodontic treatment. Very severe disorders and advanced age may require orthognathic surgery.
It is the formation of gaps between the teeth lost due to genetic reasons or external factors. It occurs because there is not enough space in the jaw for the teeth to come out in a healthy way. It can be corrected with braces.
Types of Orthodontic Treatment
Conditions that will require types of orthodontic treatment are as follows:
Fixed Orthodontic Appliances
The treatments performed with the aid of appliances that can be used by attaching and removing them without being attached to the tooth surface are mobile treatments. This method can be used as a stand-alone treatment method or as a method applied before fixed treatment. In such cases, it is applied to use functions such as chin expansion and chin forward before fixed treatment.
Fixed Orthodontic Appliances
In fixed treatments, metal or ceramic brackets are adhered to the tooth surface. After the bonding process, it is fixed by passing wire through the gaps in the brackets. During routine check-ups, the braces are slowly applied in different sizes by your doctor, allowing the teeth to move towards the desired position.
Seffaf Plaklar ile tedavi (Treatment with Clear Aligners (Invisalign))
In this treatment, which has been very popular recently, no brackets are applied to the tooth surface. The position of the mouth and teeth is transferred to the virtual environment. Clear aligners that are required by planning on a virtual environment, plaques produced abroad come to our clinic. Patients change monthly with the recommendation of their Orthodontist. Since the treatment is performed with clear aligners, no wire appearance occurs, it is a good treatment method aesthetically. However, in some patients, this treatment may not be applied due to the tooth and jaw structure.
Treatment with Hidden Brackets (Lingual)
It is a preferred method for patients who require more intense mechanical effect but also have aesthetic concerns. Treatment is performed with the help of brackets applied to the back surface of the teeth.
Orthodontic Treatment Prices
The prices of orthodontic treatment are directly related to the treatment method to be used. Price order is listed as Removable Therapies, Metal Bracket, Ceramic Bracket, Invisalign and Lingual. The price range is between 800 – 2500 Euros.
Orthognathic Surgery
Orthognathic surgery is sometimes inevitable in severe skeletal disorders past the growth stage. Before orthognathic surgery, it is essential to bring the tooth alignment to the right place.
After the treatment to bring the teeth to the right place, the surgical procedure is performed under the supervision of an orthodontist. While the healing process of the jaws fixed with splints after the operation continues, the braces will remain attached. When the jaw bones and teeth are in the correct positions, the treatment is completed and the reinforcement treatment is started. .
Orthodontic Retention Treatment
After the end of active orthodontic treatments, the procedures performed to ensure that the results obtained are permanent constitute the reinforcement treatment. Reinforcement appliances, called retainers, applied as fixed or mobile, are used to remove the lips, tongue, etc. around the teeth that have undergone changes. It must be applied to ensure that soft tissues such as soft tissues are minimally affected during the adaptation process to the new position.
Orthodontics (Braces) Turkey
Orthodontist, who has been serving in his office in Bursa since 2012. Dt. Canan Çolak has been serving as the founder of DM Clinic since the beginning of 2021.