The word periodontal means the periphery of the tooth in the literature. Today, Periodontology is the science that treats all structures (Gums, Bones) surrounding our teeth.
What is Periodontology?
Periodontology is the name given to the department that treats the diseases seen in the gums. Periodontologists, on the other hand, are physicians who provide the treatment of these diseases.
Periodontologist is the name given to doctors who have completed their doctoral education in dental diseases, that is, they have become specialists. Periodontology is the department that carries out the treatment of diseases that occur in the gums and surrounding tissues. Gum health is the most important element for a healthy oral health. Oral and dental health is one of the most important factors affecting the general health status of people. Problems in tooth structures or gum problems can progress and cause much bigger problems. These are problems that affect tooth loss or general health. In order to avoid such big problems and to intervene, branches of science such as periodontology serve. The task of periodontology is to diagnose gingival diseases and to apply the necessary treatments.
Nearly 70% of tooth loss is due to periodontal diseases. Restoring the tooth loss experienced is tiring for our patients both in time and financially. Gum diseases from these sepals have an important place in preventive treatments.
Periodontal Disorders
Gingivitis : The progression of this condition can cause tissue damage and tooth loss. These and similar diseases are called periodontal disease. Treatment of periodontal diseases should be carried out by a gum disease specialist. Although these diseases can usually be prevented with treatment, undesirable results can also be experienced. For this reason, it is of great importance to follow the complaints and consult specialists for early diagnosis and treatment. The biggest reason for the emergence of gum diseases is not paying attention to oral hygiene, not brushing regularly and not doing oral care. For this reason, great importance should be given to oral and dental care in order to prevent this and similar dental diseases.
In order for the treatment of periodontal diseases to be concluded, it is necessary to get rid of the bacteria in the mouth. For this reason, oral care should be done in addition to the treatments. If treatments and these cares are not carried out regularly, it will be difficult to reach definitive results. However, this does not only apply to the treatment process. Everyone who does not pay attention to this issue in their general life encounters the problem of tooth loss after a certain age. For this reason, it is important to carry out regular care and to undergo regular dental check-ups.
What is Periodontitis?
The advanced stage of gingival recession is called perdiodontitis. Along with the gingiva, other tissues supporting the teeth are also damaged, and periodontal pockets form between the tooth and the gingiva. If left untreated, it can lead to tooth loss.
- • Gum bleeding during tooth brushing
- • Sensitized gums
- • Bad breath
- • Gingival recessions
- • Currents in the gums
- • Swaying teeth
- • Sudden gaps between teeth
- • Adjustment changes during prosthesis use
If one or more of the above symptoms occur, we recommend that you consult your dentist.
Periodontology in Turkey
Gum diseases are so important that they cannot be neglected. You are welcome to our clinic for detailed information.